Allison Hagendorf by Allison Hagendorf

Love what you do, and you’ll never work a day in your life. Sure, there are practicalities to consider, but if you start from a place of passion and do what you love, you will find a way to make it happen, and the money will follow. 

Do all of your friends and family turn to you for health advice? Or maybe it’s the fact that you can talk about your favorite healthy recipes until you’re blue in the face. Or perhaps you simply love mastering every single new fitness craze there comes around. If any of these describe you, perhaps it’s time to turn your passion into a career. 

Here are some ways to turn what may be your favorite hobby today into a career you can feel proud of tomorrow: 

1. Get In The Mix.

Consider which areas of health and fitness speak to you and immediately immerse yourself in those worlds. Try to shadow someone whose position you aspire to hold, or even consider getting a part-time job or internship. The best way to see if this passion has legs is to take some time and do your research. 

2. Start a Blog/Social Media Presence.

Are you obsessed with sharing healthy recipes or creative workouts? Start documenting all of your ideas on a free WordPress blog and posting them to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Instagram. This will help you start to generate an organic following of like-minded individuals, which could be an important step in the evolution of your business.

3. Go Back To School.

Perhaps you are committed to pursuing a more academic route to helping people live healthier lives, such as becoming a nutritionist or registered nurse. These are both examples of incredible career paths that can be pursued at any time.

4. Get Certified.

If you’ve been giving out health advice over the years, it may be time to become a certified Health Coach. There are other useful certifications you can earn as well, including Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor. Again, do your research to determine which career path most closely aligns with your goals.

5. Get Going.

Once you’ve decided to make health and fitness your life’s work, dive in. Start reading as much as you can in the trade magazines and topical books, keep on top of your favorite health and fitness blogs, start talking with people in the industry, and attend seminars and conferences. These activities should be thrilling, as you’ll be entering a world that speaks to you and connects you with others who speak the same language. Don’t let yourself become overwhelmed by what lies ahead, and don’t worry about choosing the exact right path—your passion will choose it for you.

Become an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and help people live healthier, happier lives

If you're thinking about turning your passion for health and fitness into a career, check out the ACE Health and Fitness Certifications.

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