Haley Hopkins by Haley Hopkins

What are three of the most important factors driving wellness in a community? According to Facebook, it's family, friends and health—listed as the top three things users were thankful for in 2014. 'Tis the season to reflect on the past and start mapping out our goals for a healthy year to come.

One way to find some inspiration for incorporating wellness into our own daily routines is to take a look at how four of our pros have encouraged others to lead healthy lives:

Faith-based Wellness

“Because many churches avoid teaching people about the importance of healthy food choices and physical activity, we have collaborated with several of the ministers at our church to teach people about this (from both a physical health standpoint and a spiritual one). We leveraged communication and coaching techniques, such as those taught in the ACE Behavior Change Specialist Program and Health Coaching Certification—specifically motivational interviewing. The church leaders asked us to design and teach a 6-week course on health and fitness, which we did with great success, and were asked to teach it again.”

- Beth Jordan, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, and Lee Jordan, ACE Certified Personal Trainer and Health Coach

Worksite Wellness

"I was part of a hospital employee wellness program designed to increase physical activity, called 'Hop to It.' Through grant funding, we were able to pay our employees a penny per minute for physical activity. The program included organized group activities in which we collaborated with city and county parks, schools, churches and corporations to utilize their facilities through shared-use waivers. We had 60 percent participation and a large number of participants brought their family members. The health results were extremely positive!"  

- David Bagby, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, Health Coach, Group Fitness Instructor and Medical Exercise Specialist

School and Community Wellness

"I've been a fitness professional for the past 12 years, and I still enthusiastically look forward to the next fitness adventure, run, weightlifting session, bike ride or hike. I learned the importance of living a healthy lifestyle early on in life. I have had the incredible pleasure of being part of a physical activity program with elementary and middle schools across the U.S. and internationally for the past six years. In addition, I have worked with other programs, like my local YMCA, to increase physical activity among children, provide training to 300 summer camp staff; and provide information on funding opportunities to a number of school and community champions."

- Ewunike Akpan, ACE Certified Personal Trainer

The ways in which our fitness pros make a difference in their communities aligns perfectly with several of our key advocacy issues. From worksite wellness initiatives to school and faith-based programs, we are delighted to see the innovative ways our pros are giving back by advocating for healthy lifestyles.

Learn more about how you can advocate to improve your community’s health by visiting the ACE Advocacy page: https://www.acefitness.org/advocacy

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