American Council on Exercise by American Council on Exercise

Here at ACE, we’re on a mission to get people moving. And it all starts with our talented and dedicated health and fitness professionals, who are out there every day, putting their heart and soul into training, coaching and teaching others how to create meaningful transformations in their lives. Let’s hear from some of our pros about why they do what they do, and what getting people moving means to them.

“As an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, I understand why it’s important to get up and move. I am honored to be able to share my knowledge with anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle.”
– Franklin Antoian, ACE Certified Personal Trainer


“Being a personal trainer has offered me limitless opportunities to pursue and share my passion for active and balanced living. My mission as a trainer and educator transcends beyond movement alone and includes assisting my clients and students in achieving their optimal level of wellness through a multifaceted approach which prioritizes meaningful movement and its connection to physical, emotional and mental well-being. It’s through balanced living that we achieve personal greatness in all dimensions.”
– Dr. Erin Nitschke, ACE Certified Personal Trainer


“When I first started training others, I was very interested in my clients’ physical health, weight loss, mobility and strength. The most amazing results I’ve gotten have absolutely included those things, however my biggest surprise was the growth in emotional strength and confidence that came with the exercise. The strength on the inside grows more quickly than the strength on the outside and I think that is a beautiful thing.”
– Shana Verstegen, ACE Certified Personal Trainer


“This is the one job in the world where people really thank you at the end of a session. It makes you feel like you are making a difference, and you are!”
– Andrea Metcalf, ACE Certified Personal Trainer


“The greatest joy I have as a personal trainer is to witness the transformation of another human being; and to help people find both their outer and inner strength that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives.”
– Katherine Adamenko, ACE Certified Professional


“Being a personal trainer doesn’t guarantee people will take your advice. It does mean that they watch you closely, though. People often assume my life is consumed with exercise and healthy eating. I like seeing the relief on someone’s face when they find out I keep my fitness routine simple and meals flavorful. Being a personal trainer isn’t about rigid rules for me. It’s a lifestyle that I want others to feel comfortable duplicating.”
– Beverly Hosford, ACE Certified Personal Trainer


 “My focus has changed a lot during my career, as it should for anyone absorbing and applying new information. I’ve gone from teaching people how to exercise to coaching people to discover and create the best versions of themselves; to applying brain study to realize that emotion drives all our choices; to understanding that movement must put a smile on your face while bringing a physical challenge if it is ever to become integrated into peoples’ lives. I now ensure that people know that whatever they love about life and enjoy the most, they will experience it more richly when living in a more fit body.”
– Jonathan Ross, ACE Certified Personal Trainer


“That moment when the client realizes what you have known all along—their true potential.”
– Stephanie Thielen, ACE Certified Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor


“As a personal trainer it is my mission to empower people to explore and enjoy physical activity in a meaningful way by transforming each exercise session into a memorable movement experience that inspires individuals to live happier, healthier more fulfilling lives. Being a personal trainer has profoundly impacted my life, as it has enabled me to connect with countless individuals not only physically, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually, impacting their health, well-being and overall outlook on life in a truly transformative way. I am thankful for the opportunity to make a difference in peoples’ lives and to guide them to realize their own incredible potential.”
– Jessica Matthews, ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer and Health Coach


“I love being able to help make the world a better place through physical activity. It’s awesome knowing that I have a positive influence on others by helping them make healthier choices.
– Pete McCall, ACE Certified Personal Trainer


“I get to meet people where they are in terms of their fitness level and then take them to where they want to go. I get to travel with clients on their journeys as they discover how powerful they really are in improving their own health and fitness.”
– Sabrena Jo, ACE Certified Professional


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