Pete McCall by Pete McCall

Last Updated January 12, 2024 (originally published August 17, 2017) 

Workouts don’t need to be complex to be effective, as evidenced by the One Weight Workout series, which aims to simplify exercise programming by limiting you to a single piece of equipment (check out the links at the end of this blog). Here, we use an EMOM (every minute on the minute) approach, a single kettlebell and body-weight exercises to program a simple, yet effective workout. 

An EMOM workout requires the client to set a timer for 60 seconds and perform a specific number of repetitions for each of two exercises back to back and then rest until the next minute starts. In the first EMOM below, for example, have the client perform 10 repetitions of the two-handed kettlebell swing followed immediately by 10 push-ups; then, rest for the remainder of the minute. For those days when time is a factor, following the EMOM protocol can help your clients get the most out of a brief exercise session. 

To complete this workout, set a timer for six minutes and every 60 seconds have the client do the assigned number of reps for each exercise; then, rest for the remainder of the minute. Clients can do this workout three times a week and add a minute every two weeks until they get to 10 minutes per each pair of exercises. If you’re looking for a great way to add variety to an existing exercise program, adding one EMOM day each week can be a simple and time-efficient way to change things up. 


EMOM 1 Repetitions Length* Rest Interval

Two-hand Kettlebell Swing 


6 minutes, progressing to 10 minutes  23 minutes after the 6-minute EMOM



6 minutes, progressing to 10 minutes  23 minutes after the 6-minute EMOM


EMOM 2 Repetitions Length* Rest Interval

Clean and Press 

6 6 minutes, progressing to 10 minutes  23 minutes after the 6-minute EMOM 

Glute Activation Lunge 

8 6 minutes, progressing to 10 minutes  23 minutes after the 6-minute EMOM 


EMOM 3 Repetitions Length* Rest Interval

Half Turkish Get-up 

5 6 minutes, progressing to 10 minutes  23 minutes after the 6-minute EMOM 

Squat Jumps 

6 6 minutes, progressing to 10 minutes   23 minutes after the 6-minute EMOM 


EMOM 4 Repetitions Length* Rest Interval

Pullover Crunch 

8 6 minutes, progressing to 10 minutes  23 minutes after the 6-minute EMOM 

Glute Bridge 

10 6 minutes, progressing to 10 minutes  23 minutes after the 6-minute EMOM 

 * Add one minute every two weeks until you get to 10 minutes. 

Do all reps on one side at a time. 

If time is a factor, select only one or two EMOMs and have fun! 










Deliver the individualized programs people need to adopt long-term, healthy behaviors with the ACE Personal Trainer Certification. 

Also, check out these other One Weight Workouts: 


Mindful Movement: Coaching Clients to Become More Active

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