Maddie Fromm by Maddie Fromm

In recent years, “Black Friday,” “Small Business Saturday,” and “Cyber Monday” have become ubiquitous in the U.S. in the days following Thanksgiving. It’s easy to see how getting deals has overshadowed giving thanks for all that we have—an irony not lost on everyone. Enter #GivingTuesday. 

This November’s Giving Tuesday marks its sixth year in existence. It was a simple idea started by the 92nd Street Y in New York City: after several days focused on getting shopping deals, how about a day for giving back? The U.S. boasts a proud tradition of giving, and whether through donating to a clothing drive, supporting a local cause, or volunteering at soup kitchen, the impact on society is immense.

Along with all the positive benefits that giving can bring us personally, it is also what keeps many nonprofit and community based organizations afloat. A 2016 study estimated that about 63 million Americans gave 8 billion hours of volunteer service, which equates to roughly $193 billion. A Giving USA annual report released in 2017 found that total charitable donations rose to a new high of $390.05 billion. 

Wondering what you can do this #GivingTuesday?

There are so many ways you can give back. As an ACE Certified Professional, you are part of a family on a mission to get people and communities moving. You might consider making a difference by volunteering with a nonprofit in your community, hosting a free workout in your neighborhood or donating money to a cause you feel passionate about.

ACE collaborates with other nonprofit organizations working on the front lines to provide free or low cost physical activity in communities across the country, such as 3Wins and Sports Backers’ Fitness Warriors Program. If you’re interested in supporting these types of programs, consider making a tax-deductible donation to help ACE get people moving through research, physical activity resources and more.

This year, consider taking part in #GivingTuesday by giving what you can, be it your time, your resources or your dollars. And don’t forget to let the world know what you’re doing on social media. Everyone has something to give, no matter how big or how small. Every dollar and every hour of your time make a difference!

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