Amber Long by Amber Long

Last Updated July 19, 2024 (originally published February 19, 2019)

Key Takeaways 

While physical fitness still lies at the core of what most health and exercise professionals do every day, many clients are now seeking more holistic wellness. This blog explores wellness vs. fitness and covers the key elements of wellness for a balanced life, including those found in some of the more popular wellness models—intellectual, emotional, physical, occupational, environmental, spiritual, social and financial wellness. In addition, you will learn how empowering clients to achieve better overall wellness can help you become a more successful professional.


Believe it or not, wellness used to be a term most frequently used in natural grocery stores and vitamin commercials. In fact, for a long time, wellness took a back seat to fitness, simply because it wasn’t as cool or dynamic, especially from a marketing perspective. Clearly, that is no longer the case. At a time when the speed of life seems to be increasing exponentially and schedules are packed to overflowing, consumers are searching for ways to find balance—and the wellness industry is thriving in response. While physical fitness will always be at the heart of the health and exercise professional’s work, let’s identify the key elements of wellness for a balanced life and explore why overall wellness deserves special attention for consumers and professionals alike. 

Fitness, specifically physical fitness, refers to the physical components of well-being that enable a person to function at an optimal level. Wellness, on the other hand, refers to the balance of a spectrum of health-related elements in one’s life. Most wellness wheels represent six or seven dimensions of wellness, including some combination of the following: intellectual, emotional, physical, occupational, environmental, spiritual, social and financial. When a person is balanced and well, all of the aforementioned areas of life are considered and prioritized in daily lifestyle habits. 

Popular culture has embraced the notion of whole-person wellness and personal balance. Clients often come to health and exercise professionals looking for a more holistic and wellness-based service. This is certainly not meant to downplay the importance of exercise and physical fitness. Starting a fitness program is often the first step someone might take toward becoming healthier. Once healthy habits are created around exercise, clients often have the confidence and desire to explore other facets of wellness. 

Elements of Wellness 

It is important for all health and exercise professionals to have general knowledge of the elements of popular wellness models. Some elements, such as financial or spiritual wellness, may be out of the scope of practice for a health and exercise professional, which means it is crucial to develop a referral network for clients seeking information or treatment options. Having these options available for clients demonstrates that you understand the importance of overall wellness beyond physical fitness. 

Final Thoughts 

Health and exercise professionals can increase their knowledge around holistic wellness by obtaining a health coaching certification. ACE has the only health coaching certification accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies. With the shift in client demands, the skill set of health coaches is valuable in the traditional fitness or gym setting. Furthermore, the ACE Health Coach Certification pairs nicely with a personal trainer or group fitness instructor certification. Health coaches learn to work with clients on lifestyle habits and have a broader knowledge of the various elements of wellness. 

While fitness is a part of wellness, there is much more to explore to help clients achieve health, happiness and wellness. As wellness continues to gain traction in the market, challenge yourself to explore referral opportunities and learn about the various dimensions of wellness. Notice if there are areas in your own life that you could focus on to be well. After all, in the business of taking care of others, we must first take care of ourselves. 

If you are interested in learning more about how to revolutionize your health and fitness practice with innovative strategies for holistic well-being and multidimensional wellness, register now for an upcoming FREE webinar entitled Holistic Wellness: Transformative Strategies for Client Well-being. This event, which takes place on August 14, 2024, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. PDT, will enable you to apply practical, solution-focused strategies and techniques to promote wellness-related lifestyle changes while staying within your scope of practice.

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