Shannon Fable by Shannon Fable

Whether you are preparing to audition for the first time or the hundredth, the process can be both nerve-wracking and intimidating. There is no magic method for ensuring you get the job but there are ways to position yourself more favorably. Here are a few tips that will come in handy before, during and after the audition.

Before the Audition

Do Your Research

Each facility has its own process for conducting auditions. Therefore, it’s essential to do your research. The more you know before you go, the better. Here are a few questions and suggestions to get you started:

  • Will the audition be one-on-one or in a group?
  • How long is the audition?
  • What does the manager want to see (e.g., one format, multiple formats, full-class, or just a few songs)?
  • Who is evaluating you (e.g., group fitness manager, other instructors, or members)?
  • Will there be a microphone? Music? Stereo?
  • Should you bring additional materials (e.g., a resume or copy of certifications)?

If possible, attend classes at the club before your audition. You can get a feel for the studio, the members and the vibe. If you can, get a sneak peek at the sound system as this typically causes the highest level of anxiety at auditions.

Prepare Your Class

Once you know the answers to the questions listed above, you’re ready to prepare your audition. If you are unable to learn more about the club’s expectations, develop a full class and concentrate on perfecting a 10-minute segment to highlight your talent. Here are additional details to keep in mind as you are prepping:

  • Script out an excellent (and concise) introduction, including a quick snippet about yourself and the workout. Be sure to mention how excited you are to be teaching.
  • Choose a killer playlist and be sure to put it on multiple devices (just in case).
  • Plan your gear (e.g., clothes, shoes, and accessories).


Once you know what you’re going to teach, start practicing. You can never practice too much. Put on the outfit you plan to wear, use the music you’ve chosen, and lead the workout as if you were at the audition.

If you practice solo, find adequate space to perform the full class with music, mic (if possible) and regular voice volume to get a feel. Recording yourself is incredibly helpful. As you play back the recording, pay attention to your form, listen to your cues and observe your body language. Look for ways to improve your presentation skills in real time.

During the Audition

Arrive Early

Be sure to arrive 15-20 minutes early to give yourself adequate time to collect your thoughts, calm your breathing and adopt your pre-audition power pose (or whatever else you do to feel confident).


While the group fitness manager pays the closest attention to your teaching skills, he or she will also likely consider how you interact with everyone you meet. Be respectful and kind to the staff at the front desk, members and other instructors while you’re at the facility. Introduce yourself to anyone and everyone, express your excitement for the opportunity and be sure your body language mirrors your words.

Be Authentic

Managers are looking for energy and leadership as well as great form, good cueing and musicality. However, they also are looking for unique, fresh faces to round out their staff. Once you begin chatting with the group fitness manager and especially when you begin to teach, be an amplified version of yourself.

Are you the party host, athletic coach, or stand-up comedian? Be sure the persona you choose aligns with your personality. If you are auditioning with other instructors, try not to be intimidated by their auditions. Remember to be yourself, be authentic to your teaching style, and have fun!

After the Audition

Ask Questions

At the end of the interview, the manager will typically ask if you have any questions. Have a few prepared about the facility, the group fitness manager’s philosophy or plans for the program, the team and the members. Develop your questions based on what you’ve learned while researching the club and be sure to inquire about the next steps in the hiring process. This will give you a better idea of what you might need to do to keep the process moving forward or if you should entertain other options.

Express Gratitude

End the interview and audition with a firm handshake and sincere thanks for the opportunity. Be sure to send a thank you note within a day or two. While a handwritten note is often appreciated, a text or email also is appropriate.

Always Follow Up

Based on the timeline and next steps discussed, be proactive in your follow-up. If you do not hear from the manager within the allotted time mentioned, reach out with a simple email to the group fitness manager. Avoid being pushy or reaching out too frequently.

Auditioning for a club is like applying for any other job, and the rules of professionalism still apply. Use this information to give yourself a leg up on the competition and remember that every audition is an opportunity to improve your skills.

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