ACE-SPONSORED RESEARCH: The Health-related Benefits of Exercise Training With a Sauna Suit

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ACE-SPONSORED RESEARCH: The Health-related Benefits of Exercise Training With a Sauna Suit

Back in August, we presented ACE-sponsored research that found that short-term training in a sauna suit improves heat acclimation and endurance training, but what about non-athletes who are not pursuing performance-related goals? In this latest ACE-sponsored study, researchers examine whether or not the typical gym-goer, who is seeking weight loss or improved fitness, will see any benefit from wearing a sauna suit during workouts.

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ACE-SPONSORED RESEARCH: Video-based Fitness Lessons Could Help Kids Be More Active at School

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ACE-SPONSORED RESEARCH: Video-based Fitness Lessons Could Help Kids Be More Active at School

In its never-ending quest to get people moving, ACE is always on the lookout for innovative approaches to encouraging people to live more active lifestyles. Research conducted at the University of Kansas investigated a novel approach to activating youngsters during the school day—the development of a series of 10-minute exercise videos that teachers could use as part of their lesson plans. So, what did the data reveal?

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ACE-SPONSORED RESEARCH: Is Zumba Gold® an Effective Workout for Middle-aged and Older Adults?

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ACE-SPONSORED RESEARCH: Is Zumba Gold® an Effective Workout for Middle-aged and Older Adults?

Zumba Gold®—a lower-intensity version of the super-popular Zumba®—is designed for middle-aged and older adults, but is it a safe and effective workout for this population? In this latest ACE-sponsored study, researchers examine Zumba Gold to determine if it is a good exercise option for middle-aged and older adults.

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ACE-SPONSORED RESEARCH: Does the ACE Integrated Fitness Training® Model Enhance Training Efficacy and Responsiveness?

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ACE-SPONSORED RESEARCH: Does the ACE Integrated Fitness Training® Model Enhance Training Efficacy and Responsiveness?

There’s nothing more frustrating for clients than to do everything you ask of them and still not see results. These clients are likely what researchers call non-responders. Exclusive ACE-sponsored research from the Western State Colorado University recently compared the ACE IFT Model to a more traditional training approach to determine if there is a difference in how well the two programs improve fitness and cardiometabolic health, particularly among non-responders.

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