What Is the Best Exercise for the Hamstrings?

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What Is the Best Exercise for the Hamstrings?

Few muscle groups bring an exerciser less glory and fewer compliments than the hamstrings, but strengthening these muscles can make performing activities of daily living easier and help reduce pain and tightness in the lower back. Because many clients cite lack of time as a main reason for not exercising, ACE enlisted the help of a team of researchers at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse to identify the most effective hamstrings exercise.

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ACE-SPONSORED RESEARCH: Is HIIT Resistance Exercise Superior to Traditional Resistance Training?

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ACE-SPONSORED RESEARCH: Is HIIT Resistance Exercise Superior to Traditional Resistance Training?

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has repeatedly been shown to improve cardiorespiratory fitness and vascular function in a time-efficient manner. However, there has been a lack of research that looks at resistance training through this same lens. To address this gap in the literature, ACE enlisted the help of a team of researchers at Western State Colorado University to evaluate the effectiveness of applying the HIIT paradigm to resistance training.

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ACE-SPONSORED RESEARCH: The Effect of Cold Water Immersion on Recovery and Exercise Performance

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ACE-SPONSORED RESEARCH: The Effect of Cold Water Immersion on Recovery and Exercise Performance

We’ve all seen videos of athletes giving post-game interviews from the discomfort of locker room ice baths. Does this recovery strategy really work, and can those benefits be enjoyed by typical gym-goers in addition to competitive athletes? And how do timing and duration factor in? This latest ACE-sponsored research answers these questions and more.

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ACE-SPONSORED RESEARCH: Active vs. Passive Recovery and Exercise Performance: Which Strategy Is Best?

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ACE-SPONSORED RESEARCH: Active vs. Passive Recovery and Exercise Performance: Which Strategy Is Best?

Recovery from exercise training is a vital component of the overall exercise program, and is essential for optimal performance and continued progression. To help determine the best recovery strategy for optimizing the benefits derived from a training program, ACE enlisted a team of researchers at Western State Colorado University to investigate the effects of recovery on performance.

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ACE-SPONSORED RESEARCH: How Fast Does Fitness Fade?

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ACE-SPONSORED RESEARCH: How Fast Does Fitness Fade?

We’ve all been there—and we’ve all had clients who have been there. After months of hard work, you take a short hiatus from your usual workout routine, only to find yourself feeling sluggish as you churn away on the elliptical or are barely able to lift dumbbells you were doing full sets with just weeks before. It’s clear that fitness fades over time, but by how much? And how quickly? Learn more about what happens when you hit “pause” on your training.

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