3 Common Habits That Can Wreak Havoc on Health

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3 Common Habits That Can Wreak Havoc on Health

As a health and exercise professional, you help your clients meet their health and wellness goals by empowering them to make meaningful lifestyle changes. This article examines three common habits that can make it challenging for clients to hit their goals. Read on to learn the potential consequences of these habits, as well as how you can educate and support clients who want to improve their overall well-being and quality of life.  

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Hot Topic: Cycle Syncing

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Hot Topic: Cycle Syncing

Menstrual cycle syncing has become a popular topic on social media, as some claim that it is the key to adaptation for female physiology. The research, however, is far from clear. As a health and exercise professional, it is important to be aware of this hot topic and understand what impact the menstrual cycle might have on muscular and cardiorespiratory training.

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A Silent Epidemic: Understanding Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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A Silent Epidemic: Understanding Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease affects almost two billion people globally, but most are unaware it exists, let alone that they may be affected by it. This article examines these risk factors and highlights evidence-based lifestyle interventions that you can share with your clients that can help reverse this increasingly common disease.

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Exercise is Medicine: Improving Insulin Sensitivity With Physical Activity

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Exercise is Medicine: Improving Insulin Sensitivity With Physical Activity

More than 50% of adults in the United States have impaired insulin sensitivity, and for many of them it’s only a matter of time before developing type 2 diabetes. This article examines the current research on exercise and insulin sensitivity and looks at how health and exercise professionals can work with a client’s healthcare team to maximize the benefits of physical activity to decrease their insulin resistance.

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Less Stress, More Wellness: How to Coach College Students to Better Health

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Less Stress, More Wellness: How to Coach College Students to Better Health

A combination of high stress, new freedoms and minimal resources sets many college students on a path of poor health habits that can be tough to break after graduation. Learn how you can support college students in creating healthier lifestyle habits that promote mental and physical well-being and potentially improve their quality of life during periods of high stress. 

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How to Help Clients Manage the Common Risk Factors for Diabetes and Heart Disease

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How to Help Clients Manage the Common Risk Factors for Diabetes and Heart Disease

Lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise can significantly influence a person’s risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type 2 diabetes but helping clients to change their lifestyle can be challenging. This article examines the modifiable risk factors for CVD, type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance, explains the common lab results that your clients may be receiving from their healthcare team, and offers insight into best practices for addressing lifestyle behaviors.

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Exercise is Medicine: Improving Insulin Sensitivity With Physical Activity

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Exercise is Medicine: Improving Insulin Sensitivity With Physical Activity

More than 50% of adults in the United States have impaired insulin sensitivity, and for many of them it’s only a matter of time before developing type 2 diabetes. This article examines the current research on exercise and insulin sensitivity and looks at how health and exercise professionals can work with a client’s healthcare team to maximize the benefits of physical activity to decrease their insulin resistance.

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A Silent Epidemic: Understanding Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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A Silent Epidemic: Understanding Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease affects almost two billion people globally, but most are unaware it exists, let alone that they may be affected by it. This article examines these risk factors and highlights evidence-based lifestyle interventions that you can share with your clients that can help reverse this increasingly common disease.

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Revisiting MI: How to Apply Motivational Interviewing Techniques for Better Client Results

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Revisiting MI: How to Apply Motivational Interviewing Techniques for Better Client Results

Motivational interviewing is a client-centered approach to behavior change and one of the most effective coaching tools for partnering with clients to help them identify and achieve their goals. Learn how you can use motivational interviewing to discover your clients’ underlying motivations, hesitancies and thought patterns, which increases the chances that they will have better outcomes in both the short and long term.

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Post-pandemic Nutritional Issues: A Coach’s Guide

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Post-pandemic Nutritional Issues: A Coach’s Guide

The stress, change of routines and social isolation brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic may have created challenges related to healthy eating for your clients. This article examines two of the more common issues—frequent snacking or grazing and emotional eating—and describes how you can coach your clients through these challenges using the ACE ABC Approach.

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Revisiting MI: How to Apply Motivational Interviewing Techniques for Better Client Results

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Revisiting MI: How to Apply Motivational Interviewing Techniques for Better Client Results

Motivational interviewing is a client-centered approach to behavior change and one of the most effective coaching tools for partnering with clients to help them identify and achieve their goals. Learn how you can use motivational interviewing to discover your clients’ underlying motivations, hesitancies and thought patterns, which increases the chances that they will have better outcomes in both the short and long term.

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Post-pandemic Nutritional Issues: A Coach’s Guide

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Post-pandemic Nutritional Issues: A Coach’s Guide

The stress, change of routines and social isolation brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic may have created challenges related to healthy eating for your clients. This article examines two of the more common issues—frequent snacking or grazing and emotional eating—and describes how you can coach your clients through these challenges using the ACE ABC Approach.

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How to Help Clients Overcome Emotional Eating

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How to Help Clients Overcome Emotional Eating

Experiencing feelings of frustration, anger and sadness are all part of normal life, but some people turn to emotional eating as a way to manage the stress that comes with these negative emotions. Learn how you can offer your clients a “toolbox” of resources and healthy strategies to acknowledge, cope with and practice managing stress in healthy ways. 

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Unprocess Your Diet: 6 Tips to Help Clients Eat More Whole Foods

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Unprocess Your Diet: 6 Tips to Help Clients Eat More Whole Foods

As a health and exercise professional, providing your clients with sound nutritional guidance is essential, and one of the most impactful changes they can make is learning how to consume a diet that is largely comprised of whole foods. This article examines how you can help your clients learn to make healthier choices most of the time by making small, sustainable changes to "unprocess" their diets.

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How to Help Clients Overcome Emotional Eating

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How to Help Clients Overcome Emotional Eating

Experiencing feelings of frustration, anger and sadness are all part of normal life, but some people turn to emotional eating as a way to manage the stress that comes with these negative emotions. Learn how you can offer your clients a “toolbox” of resources and healthy strategies to acknowledge, cope with and practice managing stress in healthy ways. 

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Unprocess Your Diet: 6 Tips to Help Clients Eat More Whole Foods

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Unprocess Your Diet: 6 Tips to Help Clients Eat More Whole Foods

As a health and exercise professional, providing your clients with sound nutritional guidance is essential, and one of the most impactful changes they can make is learning how to consume a diet that is largely comprised of whole foods. This article examines how you can help your clients learn to make healthier choices most of the time by making small, sustainable changes to "unprocess" their diets.

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How to Help Kids Gain Confidence Through Physical Activity

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How to Help Kids Gain Confidence Through Physical Activity

With declining opportunities to be active during school hours, it’s more important than ever to promote the importance of physical activity for kids, but we have to focus on more than just the physical benefits. As a health and exercise professional, you can play an important role in supporting and encouraging parents to help their kids be physically active and build confidence at the same time.

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