5 Steps for Influencing Meaningful Health Behaviors In Children

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5 Steps for Influencing Meaningful Health Behaviors In Children

For the first time in history, there’s data that suggests current adults may outlive their children. More than ever, we need passionate, educated mentors to help change the unfortunate course that has been set for our kids’ health. The next time you have an opportunity to impact a young life, consider these five steps to inspire them to take positive ownership over their healthy lifestyle habits.

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Fun At-Home Workouts for Kids

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Fun At-Home Workouts for Kids

Young athletes accustomed to attending practices, games, and other physical-activity outlets have been forced to take their training into their own hands despite having few resources to guide them. Check out these three “at home” workouts ideal for young athletes 5-12 years old. Each workout can be done in about 25 minutes and videos of the involved activities are included as well.

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Kids and Type 2 Diabetes: The Epidemic and What We Can Do About It

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Kids and Type 2 Diabetes: The Epidemic and What We Can Do About It

The early onset of diabetes during childhood, particularly type 2 diabetes, is becoming a growing healthcare concern in the United States. Learn about the risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes and how simple lifestyle-related changes can help turn the tide on the prevalence of this disease, among both children and adults.

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5 “Must Dos” in Your First Year as a Health and Exercise Professional

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5 “Must Dos” in Your First Year as a Health and Exercise Professional

To establish a strong foundation for personal and professional growth in the coming years, there are several essential actions you should considering taking during your first year in the field to help create the experience, knowledge and mindset needed to become a high-level fitness influencer. Learn how five of these “first steps” of career development can set you up for future success as a professional.

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Do Personal Trainers Need a 6-pack to Be Successful?

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Do Personal Trainers Need a 6-pack to Be Successful?

Do personal trainers need six-pack abs and ultra-lean physiques to demonstrate their mastery of healthy living? As is the case with so many things in life, the answer is more nuanced than a simple yes or no. ACE Pro Brett Klika explains how health and fitness professionals can establish themselves as experts in their communities and appeal to those clients who are more concerned about qualifications and results than they are with aesthetics.

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3 Ways to Motivate Unmotivated Children to Exercise

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3 Ways to Motivate Unmotivated Children to Exercise

Is it a struggle to get your kids off the couch and moving? Have they forgotten how to play without an electronic device in their hands? ACE Pro Brett Klika explains how can you inspire “unmotivated” children to make changes to their health-related habits using three strategies derived from both research and his nearly 20 years of working with kids of all physical abilities and levels of motivation.

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5 Stretches to “Un-desk” Your Body

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5 Stretches to “Un-desk” Your Body

Your body is a perpetual motion machine that is constantly adapting to the demands you place on it. Unfortunately, modern life has allocated our daytime hours to sitting in cars, on couches and in front of computers, which has left many of us hunched over and in constant. Here are five stretches you can use throughout your day to offset inactivity and improve your health, happiness and performance in life.

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3 Ab Exercises You Are Not Doing (But Should)

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3 Ab Exercises You Are Not Doing (But Should)

While good old-fashioned sit-ups and crunches focus directly on the abdominal muscles, progressing knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics has provided some even better exercise options to not only develop the abdominal muscles, but also improve strength and structure. Here are three exercises that will strengthen the abs so you can look, feel and move better every day.

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Top 10 Reasons Children Should Exercise

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Top 10 Reasons Children Should Exercise

The number of kids who get adequate amounts of daily physical activity is at a historically low rate. Unfortunately, reduced activity during school hours combined with increasingly busy and plugged-in lives means that parents, teachers and educators need to work harder than ever to make sure kids are moving their bodies and reaping the benefits of physical activity. Here are the top 10 reasons why helping kids become active once again is worth the effort.

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Forever Fat Loss for Men

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Forever Fat Loss for Men

If you’re tired of carrying around a blanket of body fat, don’t despair. Educate yourself instead. ACE Pro Brett Klika explains that by understanding the unique challenges men face with fat loss and applying the right interventions to create lasting change, you can shed that blanket of body fat forever and move toward greater health and well-being that lasts a lifetime.

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The 7-minute Routine That Will Leave You Feeling Amazing All Day

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The 7-minute Routine That Will Leave You Feeling Amazing All Day

The list of things we should be doing every day to feel and move better is getting longer every day, but who has the time? ACE Pro Brett Klika offers up a simple “toolkit,” with which you can build a powerful physiological and psychological engine in only a few minutes each day. Perform these eight following exercises in succession each morning, or whenever you need a “feel good” pick-me-up.

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Exercise Easy for Big Gains

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Exercise Easy for Big Gains

The highest performers in the world know that to ensure safety, efficiency and continued effectiveness of a training program, the “yin” of high-intensity training needs to be paired with the “yang” of rest, recovery and “easy” training. Learn how to balance various intensities to maximize performance gains and minimize injury risk, as well as eight ways for integrating strategic “easy” exercise into your clients’ programs.

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Getting Kids Moving: How to Compete With Video Games

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Getting Kids Moving: How to Compete With Video Games

There’s no getting around it—nearly 80% of American children are not meeting the minimum guidelines for physical activity each day. So, what’s a parent or educator to do? Youth expert Brett Klicka argues that what takes place in our own homes—and the examples parents set for their kids—is the most important factor in raising healthy, active kids.

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TRX Suspension Training Course!

Dive deep into the mechanics and techniques that will turn
routine workouts into transformative experiences.

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